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Adult garden - Sex to share

Our erotic blog is the most reliable source of information to understand the swinger world in Mexico. We don't say it ourselves, it is confirmed by hundreds of couples who, thanks to Jardín de Adultos, entered into the liberal lifestyle and today we feel very proud of it. This page was born with the intention of telling our sexual adventures and erotic stories, but little by little, and while we ourselves discovered the atmosphere of the sw clubs, the liberal clubs, the couple exchange places and the hotels for open mind people, We find our happy place within this lifestyle. Thus, it went from its vocation for erotic literature to becoming a website specialized in swinger culture and erotica for couples.

Mariana and Diego, the people behind this erotic novel disguised as a swinger guide, we are a married couple who have been together for 19 years and who represent living proof that swinging can, and in fact makes, happy couples, more united and with a high level of complicity between them.

Today we also have a book: Manual for swinger couples (available on Amazon) and a YouTube channel specialized in providing information for newbies in the environment. Every day (or almost every day) we feel lucky to respond to emails from many beginner couples who sense that there is a lot of good in practicing SW. For us, answering those swinger questions is very important, since we know that the path to the brave new world can, at times, be complicated, and we like to make things simpler for applicants. How to deal with jealousy? What are the best swinger clubs in Mexico City? Where can I meet swinger people? Is swinging good for my married life? We try to address all of this within the lines of this blog. But mainly, it is about giving you a space to understand the sw world from within. What we do here is tell our stories, thoughts and experiences about a way of living sexuality that, for us, was very rewarding.

We believe that good things must be shared, and that is why we share this space with you (or with you, if you are fortunate enough to be searching between the two). In Jardín de Adultos there are recommendations about swinger clubs and parties, mainly in Mexico, which is where we live, but also in the rest of the other places we have been to. We are very fond of erotic trips!

There are over 500 articles here about sex and swinging. None of them have been written by sexologists or psychologists, but by us who live a very exciting intimate life and think that we can help you find what we have found. Over the years, this swinger blog has changed format many times, but it is divided into different tags, to help you with navigation.

Erotic Stories
Our bed antics. Intimate stories of our sexual life that sometimes happens between two and sometimes between 3, 4, 5 and beyond. The erotic confessions of a very shared couple. Sex, swinging, orgies and stories about group sex.

swinger places
Reviews of clubs, bars parties. Here you can read recommendations about all types of SW businesses. If it is a liberal place, surely we have something to say about it. We have been to the most important parties, and we are always up to date with the latest news on the scene.

Opinions and advice from the environment
We love many things about the environment, others, not so much. In this section "La Vida SW" we express our opinions on the matter. This is the best section to find tips for beginners. Newbies can read relevant articles on getting started, safety, tips and guides here. The most advanced swingers will find our reflections on this lifestyle and how we have evolved in it interesting.


, Ciudad de México, Mexico

More info jardindeadultos.net
Part of Swinging clubs in Mexico City

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Swinging clubs in Mexico